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tv   ABC World News With David Muir  ABC  September 6, 2016 6:30pm-6:51pm EDT

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abc news exclive. hillary clinton, both right here. mates. the stunning new poll tonight. the race now a dead heat. 63 days to go, donald trump with the edge. hillary clinton, tim kaine, nothing off-limits. taking aim at trump, saying he clinton tonight on her stamina. and is she ready for that first and crucial debate? the debate is 20 days away, the first one. >> so i hear. >> are you nervous? also tonight, donald trump and mike pence. trump, firing back at clinton on claims he choked. and what he now says undocumented immigrants. is he opening a new door? and trump on clinton not looking esidti what d you meanthat? and donald trump's new promise,
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also tonight, the bombshell settlement. $20 million for gretchen carlson, and now, the stunning apology from fox. > an breakgne. in a cold case tt country. the 11-year-old boy kidnapped, and tonight, the confession. ev. and it's back with us after news exclusive. 63 days to go until election critical phase begins. and both presidential tickets are right here tonight. it's been a race through the battlegrounds these last 24 hours, and we were right there with them all. nothing off the table. with the first presidential debate just 20 days away, both sides already debating right here tonight, firing back at each other. and it all comes with a new poll tonight among likely voters showing a dead heat.
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and so, we begin with hillary clinton and tim kaine, well evare this race i tighter than and is she ready forhait here battleground and we've seen the ads, they start with, i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. and the rest of the ad is entirely about donald trump. are you making this about donald trump? >> no, david, i think that if you've seen all of our ads, we have a lot of very peweav an ad r m and i care a lot about. the best i can tell is, donald trump is for building a big wall, which we now know, after his unfortunate trip to mexico, the mexicans have said, they're not paying for it. >> you talk about the trip to mexico. donald trump said they did not discuss who would pay for that wall. the mexican president said they did discuss it and that mexico would not pay for it. your campaign said, quote, it turns out trump didn't just choke, he got beat in the room
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>> is that what you believe? >> well, that's what it sounded like. because what happened is what we call a diplomatic incident, because he came out saying one thing and the mexican president contradicted him almost immedi is clear that he went down with a mission the mission of his whole campaign, from the very demoni everying he could to about rd-working people. and he didn't raise it, so, h did choke. >> the mexican president has invited you, will youxico befor? >> david, iave met with the president, my campaign team, my top national security contact wt staff and ambassador, i'm going to continue to focus on what we're doing to create jobsere at home. n trip before election day? >> no.
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go to louisiana, she didn't go to mexico. she doesn't have the drive or stamina to make america great again. he goes on to say, does she look presidential, fell? give me a break. >> well, can i just -- does she look presidential fellas? that's an idiotic comment from donald trump. i got added to this ticket about 11, 12 weeks, 100 dales from the election -- this great plirvant for 17, 18 months, it is hard to ke u with and hillary clinton has beeng t a way that donald trump won't. >> we now have the doctor who signed his ying he did it in fo wa de information. >> you don think his doctor is credib credible? >> donwny th gentlen. and, look, it's what tim said. i've released 40-plus years of
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mark that people need to ask themselves, why wouldn't he? e-mails. >> yes. ago, sre across from me and you said, not only was it a mistake -- >> right. >> that you were sorr >> a year later, we sit together again. >> yes. >> and the issue hasn't gone away. the fbi just released documents on its own investigation. in the report, you told fbi investigators that you were either unaware of misunderstood some of the procedures rid of old blackber th ato you think that fields into what the ctor, what he said about you, that you were extremely careless with your e-mails? >> well, i hope not, because i take classification veryt i wan people to understand is really two things. i take responsibility.
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d to some people like i was trying to excuse it. there are no excuses. i take responsibility. i made a mistake. i've apologized. and obviously, i wish i could do differently what happened. i certainly would never do that again. with respect to classification, on classified documents, there is what's called a header.
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were improperly marked, even with that. so, yes, i take classification seriously, and i think the record shows that i have. >> but authorities say that "c" stood for can sonfidential. >> there was no document that the little "c" appeared in was marked confidential, which is the lowest form of classification. >> you are saying, deeper in the e-mail. >> oh, of course. absolutely. and that's what the director said. >> the director said you were extremely careless. >> well, i respectfully disagree. >> senator kaine, what would you say about her explanation here today, who still find her untrustworthy? >> i know hillary clinton, i know i can count on her as our next president. miwho is ed overseas right now. i care very, very deeply about who the next commander chief is. i completely count and trust
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the right decisions for the country. and the prospect of donald trump making those life of my kid and millions of people who serve scares me to death. >> the debate is 20 days away. the first one. >> yes. so i hear. >> are you nervous? >> well, i -- i am certainly focused, because, you know, ld every debate in the republican primary, i take that very seriously. >> donald trump has said about you and the debates, i know how to handle hillary. do you know how to handle see, , september 26th. >> tehe crucial. both donald trump preparing? we met up with him a little more than an hour away from secretary clinton, and he wck to reac just told us donald right there in t we sit here in the great battleground state of ohio, 63 days to go.
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>> we,e'rep in do you see the kind of crowds we're having in ohio? i think we're going to win it, and certainly it would be very important to win ohio. >> people have said republicans white house without ohio. >> well, i've heard that. and certainly we intend to win ohio. we should win ohio. >> 20 days until the first big >> you never know. but i think so. >> are you prepping? >> yeah, sure. i'm prepping. maybe not in the traditional way. when i had the debates, i had 11 debates with the, as you know, in the primaries. and i was very satisfied. eerlse was very satisfied with the way i did. and i think i'm working the same way i did there. >> but this will be a lot different. there will be two candidates on that stage. it won't be, you know, the list that was there during the primary. >> well, we started off with 17 and in the end, we had just a few left. not that much different. >> any mock debates? >> ah, haven't thought about it much. could happen. but haven't really given it much thought. >> let me ask you, mr. trump,
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hillary clinton, who is also here in ohio, told us a that the ideing >> so, let me just tell you about choking. i don'tchoke. she chokes. she's responsible for so many bad things that ha happened to our country, including the signing by her husband of nafta, which has country of its jobs. i've been given a-plus, including by youpeople, but i've been given a-pluses for the job i did in mexico, fact is, mexico will pay for the it wssed that it wo b discussed, but ty know my stance, and i know their stance. >> did the mexican president break his word? >> we had ground rules, tha okay. see who wins in the end. 100%, they're going to pay for the wall. >> let me ask you about rudy giuliani, said that donald trump would, quote, find it very difficult to throw a family that's been here in the united states for 15 years with kids who are now american citizens, out of this country.
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that donald trump wants. so, will some of these families be allowed to stay? >> he's 100% right. at vyo we're tremendously strong andborder. people are going to come in, bu legally. we're gng toet all of members, and that sdn bewe're goin t cle totay secure, we're going to take a look at the people that >> does that mean some of those 11 million undocumented immigrants will be allowed to stay? >> it could be, but what's going to happen is, if you are going to be a citizen, you're going to have to leave and you're going to have to come in. >> if they don't want to become a citizen? >> we'll have to make a determination. >> so, you're open to them staying here undocumented? >> i'm going to make a decision, or somebody will, whether it's me or somebody else, because perhaps, depend, by that time,
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>> but david, let me also say, it's very appropriate to have lots of interest in what a president donald trump will do on illegal immigration. donald trump put the issue of illegal immigration at the center of the national debate. but what i'd also like to see and i think millions of americans would like to see is more clarity about hillary clinton's plan. >> governor pence, you are making news this week in revealing that you'll release your tax returns. >> sure. be a pretty quick read. >> pretty quick read. i'm curious. do you think t has the right to see the tax returns of donald trump before they vote on election day? >> you know, i'm very pleased to provide our tax returns, you're going to find out my family is a middle class family and that they'll be pretty clear evidence that we haven't profited from public life -- and around >> governor, i'm asking about donald trump, and every presidential candidate going back 40 years -- >> i'm releasing my tax returns. donald trump will is tax returns. i'll give mine to y'all this week and he's going to provide
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done >> as far as myes are re i the press, and even the press -- it's not a big deal. >> you don't think there are any voters out there -- >> i don't think so. i think people don't care. i releed the most extensive financial review of anybody in the history of politics. it's either 100 or maybe more pages of names of companies, locations of companies, et cetera. and it's a very impressive list. and everybody says that. but i've released it. massive list. do learn much in a tax return. >> tax returns do reveal how much soaiond intaxes, and how much they've given in charitable giving. >> i've given a list. i have given that list. >> but you won't reveal what you paid in taxes unless the audit is done. >> when the audit is done, i will release. >> what's the most important issue they take to you about? >> jobs. most important, jobs. >> trump says he went back to ohio often, and often citing his opponent's stamina.
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talked about hillary clinton's stamina. look presidential. shdoesn' >> i really do believe that. >> what do you mean by that? >> well, i just h das a and you nd a look. look, you have to get the job done. i think if she went to , she would have had a total failure. >> but when you talk about her not looking presidential, are you talking about esthecs here? >> i'm talking about -- hey e way, she says things about me that are horrible. the sile have, according to those that know me is my temperament. she came up with this maddion avenue line, let's talk about his tempt prament. it's the single greatest asset i have. >> you're 70, she's 68. do you think the american people >> sure, i do.u medical -- th i would love to ge specifics as far as if she wants to do, i'll do it 100%. >> why not go first? >> in fact, now that you ask, i will do that. >> you will?
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now? >> i c't tell you, because i'm not sure that i know. it will depend. you are going to have to adjust, you're going have to see. you need flexibility. in life, david, you need flexibility. it may be very nice and it may be very respectful and it may not. >> you heard donald trump there promise he will release more of his medical history. we reached his campaign late today and thep us posted o pg. we have posted our full exclusive interv with and much more tonight on "nightline," and, of course, we want to hear from yo news tonight" facebook page and you can reach out to m twitter. in the metime, theres still much more ahead on "rl ws tonight" this tuesday. the other news this evening. settlement. ame with it.for gretchen stunnc we have late reporting this evening. also, breaking developments tonight in the cold case that frightened parents across thisc. the 11-year-old boy kidnapped
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confession tonight. and the growing outrage this evening over an american treasure ruined. the alleged vandals caught on camera. anur help.k. man: i accept i'm not the deep sea fisherman i was. i accept i'm not out on the ocean wrestling marlin. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but i won't go after anything with less than my best. so if i can go for s better than warfarin, i'll do that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin. plus, it had significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. that's what i wanted to know. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and, in rareas fatal ble. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. and it may take longer than usual
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the sweet spark to go all in and lett.ou they're gr-r-reat! next tonight here, the bombshell settlement. $20 million for former fox news anchor gretchen carlson. after accusing former fox news ceo roger ails of sexual harassment. abc's rebecca jarvis tonight on the eye-opening public apology that came with it. >> repor harassment suit against fox news' top boss, roger ailes, gretchen carlson reaching a $20 million settlement with 21st century fox. the fox news parent company apologizing. "we sincerely regret and apologize for the fact that gretchen was not treated with the respect and dignity that she and all of our colleagues deserve." the evidence in carlson' suit including conversations with
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her cell phone. "i want b traveorrd to tell people across the country who em aacuprted me." >> i want to support all the women who've been victims of sexual harassment. >> reporter: sources telling abc news, the company has also settled with a handful of other women who came forward with their own allegations against ailes. and today, fox news announcing one of seral anchors who ailes leaving the network. writing on fa home to me for a if you years." dav david, ailes had no comment today. he left fox news in july with a $40 million severance package. david? >> rebecca jarvis with us tonight. thank you. when we come back here, the american treasure reduced to rubble, and authorities want your help tonight. the drone video of this, coming up. also, the bank robbery suspect, leading police on a and the dramatic shootout that followed. we'll show you. and there were developments
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shook parents across this country. the 11-year-old boy kidnapped, and whate' learned tonight. i love that my shop is part of the morning ritual around here. people rely on that first cup and i wouldn't want to mess with that. but when (my) back pain got bad, i couldn't sleep. i had trouble getting there on time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last into the morning.
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toms proactively with linzess. to the index of other news. the dramatic police chase in phoenix tonight. armed bank robbery suspects trying to outrun police after a holdup. the chase lasting about 45 minutes. suspecting shooting at police. officers in unmarked vehicles running the driver off the road. he was killed when they opened fire. two other suspects are in custody tonight. the cold case solved this danny heinrich confessing in detail to kidnapping and kidding 11-year-old jacob wtingierling 1989. he will now serve up to 20 years in prison. police are searching for vandals at a state park in pacific city, oregon, tonight. drone video showing a group of video knocking over an iconic rock formation. police scanning the video, hoping to identify the suspects
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when we come back on a tuesday, the awful moment that usut jt down the block here in new york city's central park. and tonight, you have to see how and tonight, you have to see how this ends. going to the skate park today? maybe... you can make it gr-r-reat! ? kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat! t all these purchases you made with your airline credit card. hold only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline? let me show you something better. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase... not just...(dismissively) airline purchases. every purchase. everywhere. every day. no really! double miles on all of them!
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america strong. the student who is back in class, and already a triumph, after a horrible moment in central park. he was visiting new york city, walking with friends in central park on a sunday morning, when it happened. 19-year-old honor student connor golden, an outdoor enthusiasm, a college star, suddenly stepping on something that exploded. his foot was lost. then his leg below the knee.
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community, back inx, page to pay the medical bills. tonight, connor has returned to school, his first steps on a prosthetic leg. poing this picture, connor writes, "it is a beautiful thing to see how many people are by my side when a i'm smiling in the'sse i'm happy to begin walking again, it's also because i'm so gatful for the huge amount of love and caring that's taken me from the shock of july 3rd in central park." that smile, and connor write, he is forever grateful. incredible story. thanks for watching here on a tuesday night. i'm david muir. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow.
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right now on "the list": pain relievers. >> there's basically a plant somewhere that cures just about anything. >> how to naturally make your own medicine for a lot less money. plus -- sell yourself. how to turn your online activity into and try these twists to trail mix. that's all cominup on "the list." hey, here's what's trending right now. >> the boss man says i can't take friday off. what about monday? >> ah there's nothing like a three-day weekend to improve our mood. let's be real, we would all be happier and believe it or not, healthier ifong weekends were twice as long.


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